There’s nothing like Sultry Nights!

Sultry Nights reminds me of romantic hot nights with that one special someone. Warm slick skin, soft kisses, maybe some wine, chocolate and all the sexy things that come after that.

Sultry Nights is now live and available everywhere. Steamy, small-town romance/ romantic suspense. Combine this with mature characters, secrets and lies and things that you think there’s an alternate reality somewhere. I enjoyed this book so much and it is based on a true story of a friend of mine, which I go into a bit in the epilogue and bonus epilogue.

I have folks to thank for Sultry Nights. It takes an entire team folks! I can’t do this on my own.

Judy Rosen is my editor and I’m grateful for her. There’s no doubt. She takes a raw rock and polishes that baby up nicely. Thank you Judy, I appreciate you!

Amy Ball is my PA and she does all the things that take the burden off of me. Amy, thank you so much for all you do. I appreciate you!

I have a wonderful team of book influencers and I can’t say enough good about my Roadies! Ladies – you make me so proud and extremely happy and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do. 

I’d never be here without my family. My husband, Gene, declares himself my biggest fan. And, he has read every single book I’ve written. That’s what a keeper he is. Thank you Gene for being my support system. My best friend. My steadfast supporter. And my world! I love you.

Of course, all of you readers, who spend money on books, who read and love them and who support me so I can work a job I love. Thank you all so much. Please know, everytime you download one of my books and leave a review, I’m eternally grateful. This book is a departure from my usual books. Based in a small town and small town life, and all the things that go with that. The suspense is still there but not as action packed.

I hope you enjoy Sultry Nights and Blossom Springs. I’ve grown to love this little town and I’m looking forward to bringing you all the adventures I have planned. Pack your suitcase and head to Blossom Springs, where the weather is warm, the nights are Sultry and the heroes are sexy!

Get Sultry Nights direct from me here! Get Sultry Nights from other vendors here

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