I’m excited to introduce you to Gail Chianese. I met Gail this year at the Barbara Vey Reader Appreciation Weekend. Gail was standing in line with Regina Kyle and Stacey Joy Netzel and I stepped in line right behind them. Gail is very sweet and I enjoyed meeting her immensely. We ended up having drinks later and dinner at the same table. Without any more preamble, please welcome Gail Chianese to Romance on Wheels.
Hi everyone. I’m Gail Chianese and I write sassy and warm-hearted contemporary romance. I’d like to give a shout of thanks of thanks to PJ for letting me hijack her blog for the day.
Truth be told, when PJ made the offer and gave me carte blanche I had no clue what to write about. She told me I could share a recipe, but honestly, I’m a pretty ordinary cook. I mean, my family doesn’t complain about the meals I make, but I don’t think they’re anything to rave about. So that was out. Then I turned to my books and there’s one theme that I think we can find in not just my stories, but all good stories and that’s following your dreams.
For me this started years ago and in of all places a training session for my day job. My boss was talking about priorities. You know putting stuff on the “doing now” list versus on the “not doing now” or the “never doing now” list. It was that last one that got me. See he explained the difference between the three with this story of him wanting to be a prima ballerina. However, he had to face up to the fact that this was never going to happen and he needed to move that goal to his “never doing now” list.
That was it for me. The first kernel of thought that made me wonder what goal did I have on my “not doing now” list and which list did I need to move it too. Well, obviously it was writing, but it did take a minor health scare to make me realize that I didn’t want it to go on the “never” list. Once I admitted that my dream wasn’t just wishful thinking, I shared it with my husband, who said to me, “now that you know what your goal is, make a plan to achieve it.”
And I did just that.
Maybe that’s why I like telling stories, I like seeing others realize their dreams and making them become a reality even when they seem far-fetched, ordinary, or silly in the beginning. No one’s dream is any of those things to them. For each person that dream exists for a reason, it fills a need, and sometimes mends a wound. Until we get into that person’s head—something only a book can really let us do—we can’t fully understand another person’s reasons behind what they do or desire. For me writing is an escape from the stresses of life, plus its fun, just like reading always has been. Except now, I get to call the shots and I get to have lots of dreams and see them come to reality.
So tell me, wonderful people, what is a dream of yours that is on your “not doing now” or even your “never doing now” list? Do you want to move it to the “doing now” list or are you happy to leave it where it is? One commenter will be chosen at random and win a copy of their choice from my West Side Romance series.
I want to be a nurse. I’m not doing it now but I am working towards it!
Keep going Amy, you’ll get there. Good for you for working towards it.
Good for you, Amy. I think nurses are amazing people.
Thanks for introducing us to Gail Chianese! She’s a new author to me! Thanks for the chance to win! I dream of going to Australia, but that’s all it is! I don’t fly, lol.
You never know, you may make the exception if the opportunity presents itself!!!!
That is so true PJ! Dreams can come true!
You can always take a cruise ship there, Penny! I’ve actually been to Australia and it’s worth the flight. So beautiful and the people are super nice and hey, maybe you’ll get lucky and run into Hugh Jackman. 🙂
Great idea – cruise ship!
That’s so true Gail. There’s a first time for everything. I’ve never flown or taken a cruise.
I’ve not taken a cruise (yet). My husband is in the Navy and he keeps telling me he goes on enough “cruises”. I keep telling him, its not the same thing. One of these days, I’ll win the argument. Maybe I’ll just book us on a Windjammer vacation because he really couldn’t say that was anything like what he goes to sea on in the Navy and I think he’d love it. Plus, they’re smaller and I’d like that aspect. Just remember, where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Thanks for the introduction I love finding new authors. My dream was to become a teacher but I majored in something else first. Happy to say i graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Education a few weeks ago. Now I’m not sure if I want to stop here or keep going for a bigger degree.
Congratulations on your graduation. It’s a fabulous milestone for certain. When you decide what you want to do, let me know. I’m here to cheer you on!
Zetoria, that’s fabulous. Huge congrats and there’s nothing wrong with setting new goals and dreams when you achieve the ones you started out with.
My dream list is to one day live on an exotic island. For right now it has to stay on dream list. But one day it will be front runner and something I am aiming for to do.
That’s a fabulous dream and you’re right, you can move your dreams around based on need/want at any time.
Ohh, I like this dream a lot. Make it happen, Terri. My niece moved to Hawaii (from NY) a little over a year ago and she loves it, although it took her some time to get used to the differences. Not sure if she’ll stay for the long term, but right now she’s enjoying every minutes, so go for it.
This will take some time but I will get there