Each book that releases holds a piece of my heart. I’ve spent hours upon hours on each and every one. Healing Hope is no different. For some reason, Healing Hope was a bit more intense for me to write than many of my books, but so important to tell perfectly. I hope you’ll love Creed Rowan and Hope Dumond as they work through the struggles of her healing and Creed simultaneously bringing down the men who had kidnapped her. Their story started with her being held captive and Creed saving her with his RAPTOR team. It ended much differently.

As with all of my books, it takes a village. I have many people to thank and they are in no particular order.
I have two amazing editors, who each help me rub a raw stone into a beautiful diamond; April Bennett and Judy Rosen. I thank you ladies for sticking with me and helping me create stories readers love to read.
Julie Collier is my sounding board, my organizer and my friend and without her, I’d be a mess. Julie, thank you so very much for all you do.
My Road Queens. Wow, what do I even say that I haven’t said before. Thank you so much for stopping into the group every morning, for chatting, leaving funny memes, reading my stories, naming my characters and for all the sharing of my books you do. Thank you so very much.
Gene, my husband, my rock, my confidant, my best friend. The day you walked into my life, it was changed for the better and I thank you for being by my side all these years. I love you. To my kids and grandkids, I love you all and thank you for your support of my dream.
Eric McKinney of 6:12 photography – your photos are absolutely wonderful and I enjoy working with you. Thank you.
Stacy Garcia of Graphics by Stacy – thank you for the amazing covers you’ve created for my stories.
And, of course, my readers. You all make each release special because of your enthusiasm and joy over a new book. Because you love book boyfriends. An you love jumping into a book, to travel to a place unknown and experience things that make you feel. Thank you all so very much for allowing me the joy of writing stories you love.
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A former SEAL on a life changing mission.
A congressional aide caught up in the underworld of greed.
The explosive culmination of secrets, lies, and salvation.
Former SEAL, Creed Rowan, rescued a beautiful captive on a yacht during a mission, but there’s more to his rescue than meets the eye. She’s the connection RAPTOR needs to stop an international exchange and save the lives of hundreds of women.
Hope Dumond’s life as a congressional aide in Washington, as ugly as it was, never prepared her for being kidnapped and within minutes of being sold as a sex slave. When her rescuer is also handsome, smart, and incredibly capable of exposing those responsible, she jumps at the chance to tell him all the secrets she’s uncovered. As they compile a mountain of evidence against these despicable humans, Hope longs for revenge against those responsible for trying to take her life.
Will Creed’s new mission become HEALING HOPE?