Mark Dawson is a fellow author and he made this plea recently! If you are so inclined, please help out.
From Mark…
Emma Johns is the wife of my son’s godfather and has been battling with breast cancer for five years. In the middle of her grueling treatment she found out that she was pregnant (the chemotherapy was supposed to make her infertile but, to her surprise, it didn’t).
And then, in December, she gave birth to her own little miracle: baby Phoenix.
Emma’s condition is worsening but there is hope: a trial immunotherapy drug called Pembrolizumab has shown amazing results for women with incurable triple negative breast cancer (like her). But, due to her pregnancy, Emma missed out on being eligible for the only trial available for this drug. Her best option now is to pay for it privately for the eye-watering sum of £40,000.
I’ve written a short story in my John Milton and Beatrix Rose universe – called PHOENIX – and I will be giving all of the proceeds to her and her family. The book is available for preorder right now. For every $2.99 purchase of Phoenix, Emma and her family will receive $2. That might not sound like a lot, but you are one of 65,000 authors on the SPF mailing list.
If even a quarter of the list buys the book, we could fund Emma’s treatment for a whole year.
PHOENIX is available for preorder at the links below.