I’ve known Ryleigh Rhodes for some time now, but only from Facebook. We chat often (weekly) and I’ve read all her books. What’s more, I enjoy her books. Her characters are true to form and complex. Ryleigh has allowed me to help her show off her cover for the next book in her Enforcer series, “J”. There’s so much to love out this cover and I can’t wait for the story!
She was too broken and I couldn’t save her.
I’ve survived multiple deployments to places that just hearing the name makes people cringe. I think nothing of attempting to save lives when they have the most impossible injuries, all while sustaining my own wounds. I’m a medic, a healer, a helper, a fixer. I must do this to conceal my dark, scarred, broken soul. I loved her beyond reason even though I knew I could never have her.
Now I’m dragging myself back to the light, the land of the living with the help of my friends. I need to find her. The one who will be my rock. My heart. But to find her, I have one more battle to fight.
This one will be the most difficult yet.
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35431235-jPhotographer: Kruse Images and Photography – https://www.facebook.com/KIPmodelsandboudoir/
Cover Artist: Rebel Edit and Design – https://www.facebook.com/rebeleditdesign/