Don’t you just love a big sale? I sure do. So, this month I have a good one for you.
First of all, the first book in my Rolling Thunder series, Moving to Love is FREE right now. Yep, FREE. That’s a savings of $4.99!
Second of all, the second book in my Rolling Thunder series, Moving to Hope, is only .99 cents. That’s a $4.00 savings. Together you save $8.99! Plus you get two great books with steam, and love, and all the things that happen before love.
But, that’s not all. In my shop I’m discounting the entire Rolling Thunder series 25%! Holy moly, you can get them all at a huge discount.
So, how do you do that? I’m glad you asked. Just click the buttons below to get your discounted copies of my incredible Rolling Thunder series now!
To save 25% on the Rolling Thunder series just use code RollingThunder25 at checkout.