I’ve created a world with fellow author and friend, Stephany Tullis. We’ve named it Chandler County and we’ve since invited some of our author friends to write their own stories in Chandler County too. It’s exciting for us to release these stories, each with their own spin and each author’s take on life in Chandler County. The stories are all romantic suspense.

Chandler County consists of two small towns, Chandlerville and Bourbonville, located halfway between Louisville and Lexington Kentucky, and each town offers plenty of opportunity for mischief and mayhem. The first releases will take place around the time of the Kentucky Derby and the activities and social gatherings that take place. Six stories will come to you, releasing one week apart, beginning April 11, 2017.

So, that brings us to the Kentucky Derby. I’ve been fascinated by the research I’ve come across on the Derby and on horse ranching in general. Did you know that to qualify for the Derby a horse must be three years old? The Derby is also the first leg of three held during a five week period and the most well attended of all three races. Pretty dang exciting.
So, I hope you’ll join us in Chandler County and if you’re playing along with the Scavenger Hunt, you’ll find one of the answers in this post!