Link Up

Link round up.

This week on Open Book Blog Hop we’re doing a link roundup.  Linking our favorite websites – blogs for you. 

I have to admit, I’m so busy with my own stuff that I don’t get to search like I used to.  But I do have some stand by blogs that I try to always read.

Kristen Lamb has been getting a lot of attention recently.  Mostly due to her rants about paying authors and why Free isn’t good.  I see both sides of that coin, but what I really like about Kristen is her sense of humor.  Her blog posts always import humor.

I try to hit Romance University if I’m in need of craft information.  RU is succinct and direct while getting their point across.  After all, when we’re stupid busy, I just want succinct and direct.

What I usually do when I need a creative fix is hit craft blogs.  True.  When a story is lagging or I’m in need of a creative infusion, I hit a few of these blogs to get those creative juices flowing.

Vintage Revivals for my home design ideas.

Almost Makes Perfect is another craft blog for creative ideas.

Hello glow has wonderful home or DYI type ideas for skin care, health and beauty.

Mostly, I can always go to Pinterest and find something to spark my creative juices.  I have a Pinterest board for each book and looking for clothing, foods, homes, scenery, etc. for each book can get the blood pumping and ideas flowing.  It’s also a time suck, so you have to be careful there.

Where do you like to go for inspiration, ideas, craft, or news?  I’d love to know.



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