Where do you get your inspiration for writing? We’ve all been there, the muse is on vacation, your tired, edgy and you have a deadline, but you’re creative juices have stopped flowing. What do you do?
I have to say, more than not feeling inspired, I usually feel tired or as if my story is dry or dull. That’s usually a result of just being over-tired or wiped out. If I step back from my story, I find that I am able to find clarity and then attack my story with refreshed eyes.
If that doesn’t work, it’s usually that the story is dull or forced and something needs to change. I bounce a lot of my ideas off of my husband. I also have a great group of ladies I can count on to direct me along the way, so I’ll talk things out with them. Usually a major change has to occur in the story to make it flow better. After talking it all out, I find the story is on track and I can write away.
If that doesn’t work, then I find I need to go out in public, have some fun with my family and just take a day to recharge my creative self. We can deplete our energy stores and our brains and bodies shut down or act out. So, if that happens, go play, enjoy the out doors or take a long walk.
I wonder what inspires you?
I’ve taken many days off this year, but am just getting back into writing now.
Good for refreshing yourself.
I gave myself permission to take October off. I’ve been writing — working a little bit on two WIPs and even drafted a mystery — but I haven’t set a word limit and I’m not requiring myself to pick a primary project, though I know I want to be working on the third book in the Daermad Cycle series this winter. I’m pleased to say, it’s helping clear the cobwebs as I’ve had a couple of really powerful potential scenes come to mind over the last couple of days. November 1st, I’m back at it, but I never force myself to work on just one project because that leaves me stuck staring at a blank screen when I’m not inspired and I know that doesn’t work for me. But, yeah, the best tonic for a period of staleness is to go do something else … live life, try to drive to work on zambonied roads. That is SOOO making it into some story or other sooner rather than later!
Sounds like you’ve got it.
I can relate to your process. I allow myself to take breaks in between writing projects. This helps me refresh myself physically and mentally. When my usual methods for moving forward on a project fail, I put the project away for a couple of weeks. I return, read what I have written and am usually able to move forward.
Yep. Your brain needs a break.
I get frustrated when I’m not doing something writing related. I knbow I need to give myself a break, but there’s not enough time!
I know what you mean, time is our most precious commodity!!!!