Book seven of the Rolling Thunder series is available for pre-order. It’s been a while since the Rolling Thunder crew spoke to me, but finally, Chase and LuAnn wanted their story told. I was getting worried for a while there.
This is the Rolling Thunder finale’ but there just may be a spin-off series coming your way. See what I did there? Clever, right?
So, pre-order your copy of Moving On and wake up with Chase (and LuAnn), but Chase, swoon, on December 29, 2020.

After three long years in prison, LuAnn is walking out to a new life—with no job, no home, and no friends. Except Chase, but even then, she’s treated him like shit, too, so it would be a miracle if he gave her the time of day. Somehow she has to show him she’s a new woman with a clean slate—all she needs is a second chance.
Chase finds himself faced with straddling two worlds. He loves his job and his coworkers after they helped him straighten up his life after he took a bad road. He’s hopeful for LuAnn’s return and wants to offer her the same opportunity, but considering she did time for trying to kill his boss’s wife and unborn child, there’s no way she’ll be welcome in his professional life.
How in the hell can he move them to ‘Us’ without losing the work family he owes his life to?
CLICK HERE – Don’t forget to pre-order your very own copy!
Om so looking forward to reading your books